
October 2024
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Google to Internet Users: “All Your Angry Comments Are Belong to Us”

Google, allegedly in an effort to improve the civility of user comments, has determined that the “caps lock” key should not be a part of laptops that will be made to support its forthcoming operating system.  (source)

This article was originally posted on The Legal Satyricon

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Limewire Shutdown Over Copyright Issues

Limewire joins the list of infamous internet services deemed to be overwhelmingly used for copyright infringement (source).  Napster,, and Grokster rumored to be throwing a welcome bash for the new fish.

This article was originally posted on The Legal Satyricon

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Suck it, El Jobso

A while back, attorneys for Apple concocted a creative argument for why jailbreaking your iPhone constituted an infringement of the copyrights in the device’s software, based on the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (more familiarly known as the “DMCA”).  The Library of Congress (as the body that promulgates regulations for enforcement of [...]

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USPTO Jumps in Line to Provide “Green” Initiatives, Ignores Climate Gate

“Awe!  Come ON!  I made a movie about it.  That proves it’s true.”

Director Kappos, of the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), writes on his blog this week about how the Office intends to fast-track the examination of patent applications that deal with so-called “green” technologies.  Great headline for a month ago, when [...]

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Class Settlement Notice Sent as Facebook Message?

File under “can they do that?”  Facebook notified me of a class settlement agreement, by sending me an in-network message:

click to enlarge

Facebook is sending you this notice of a proposed class action settlement that may affect your legal rights as a Facebook member who may have used the Beacon program.  This summary notice is [...]

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DHS Issues New Border Search Rules for Electronic Media

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures . . . (source)."  Since 9/11, a good number of feathers have been ruffled, debating what constitutes an "unreasonable search."  Pundits a plenty have been ranting about [...]

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Producers of Copyrighted Content – They Just Don’t Get It

I don’t understand why producers of copyrighted content have such a hard time comprehending their customer base. We’re not that difficult to fathom. We only really have a few, simple needs:

We want to be able to get to desired content, whenever and however we want.
We don’t want to pay through the nose for [...]

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Facebook Caves to User Pressure

A few days ago, Facebook announced that it would be changing its terms of service. The updated terms made changes with regard to intellectual property ownership of content that users posted to the site. The changes were denounced as oppressive by many blog commentators. Apparently in response to the negative “press,” Facebook [...]

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