
October 2024
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Crackdown on Live Streaming of Sporting Events

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shut down a number of websites that were offering live streams of professional sporting events (source).  The central claim was that the video delivered through those websites is protected by copyrights.

While I’m sure there are some hippies those out there who would take the position that a sporting [...]

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First Recorded SLAPP Sighting in Greece

Systemgraph, an Apple-authorized service company in Greece, has sued one of its customers for complaining.  Natch, there’s a twitter tag devoted to mocking the company.

This article was originally posted on The Legal Satyricon

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Good News; Racism Solved

Regular readers of the LS know how we feel about thought control through the implementation of Newspeak.  (We think it is retarded).

Apparently, there are at least a few out there who have a hard-on for eradicating crimethink.  In their latest effort, a newly sanitized edition of Mark Twain’s classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, will [...]

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Latest Filing from Wolk Connects the Dots Between Incest and Banking Policy

For anyone who has been following the story of Arthur Allan Wolk, Esquire, it will come as no surprise that Attorney Wolk’s opposition to Amici, Eugene Volokh, Glenn Reynolds, Edward Whelen, and Marc Randazza, reads like a paranoid diatribe.  It seems that a massive blogger conspiracy, with ties to incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and opposition to [...]

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WTF Wisconsin?

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled this week that committing a sex crime is not necessarily a prerequisite for ordering a convict to register as a sex offender (source). I tried reading the opinion to figure this nonsense out, but my head nearly exploded when I read the excerpted sentence below, and I had to [...]

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Lamebook, We Support You!

I know this story is already a couple of days old, but we think it’s still worth reporting on.  For anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on, Facebook has been on a tear recently trying to flex its trademark muscles, suing and threatening to sue pretty much anyone who uses the word “book” in their [...]

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There’s good reason for why all of my friends are Trekkies…

(granted some of them just don’t know it yet, since they may not have watched enough)

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News Flash: L.A. Times Prints Whiney Panic Piece

Okay.  So it’s not really a news flash – it’s kinda the bread and butter of the L.A. Times to print whiney panic pieces.  However, this story hit upon our sweet spot.  Reporter David G. Savage writes to warn us all about the dangers of criticizing others on teh interwebs.  The advice to bloggers and [...]

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“The Contours of Actual Malice” or “Rand Paul Learns About Tabloid Journalism”

If you’re not a liberal by eighteen, you’ve got no heart; if you’re not a conservative by thirty, you’ve got no brains — as the saying goes.  The axiomatic truth behind those words is what makes this GQ story about Rand Paul kinda cute and heartwarming.  Some of the senatorial candidate’s Baylor buddies remember that [...]

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Silly Redneck

Anyone with a law school education knows that state action is required before anyone can whine about having their free speech rights taken away.  Well, okay — you can whine about it, but that’s about it.  You can’t get a court to step in and fix your problem, unless some government entity is involved.  Not [...]

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