
July 2024
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First Recorded SLAPP Sighting in Greece

Systemgraph, an Apple-authorized service company in Greece, has sued one of its customers for complaining.  Natch, there’s a twitter tag devoted to mocking the company.

This article was originally posted on The Legal Satyricon

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Latest Filing from Wolk Connects the Dots Between Incest and Banking Policy

For anyone who has been following the story of Arthur Allan Wolk, Esquire, it will come as no surprise that Attorney Wolk’s opposition to Amici, Eugene Volokh, Glenn Reynolds, Edward Whelen, and Marc Randazza, reads like a paranoid diatribe.  It seems that a massive blogger conspiracy, with ties to incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and opposition to [...]

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News Flash: L.A. Times Prints Whiney Panic Piece

Okay.  So it’s not really a news flash – it’s kinda the bread and butter of the L.A. Times to print whiney panic pieces.  However, this story hit upon our sweet spot.  Reporter David G. Savage writes to warn us all about the dangers of criticizing others on teh interwebs.  The advice to bloggers and [...]

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“The Contours of Actual Malice” or “Rand Paul Learns About Tabloid Journalism”

If you’re not a liberal by eighteen, you’ve got no heart; if you’re not a conservative by thirty, you’ve got no brains — as the saying goes.  The axiomatic truth behind those words is what makes this GQ story about Rand Paul kinda cute and heartwarming.  Some of the senatorial candidate’s Baylor buddies remember that [...]

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Mattel finally learns how to "chill"

One of the chores inherent in the practice of law is that one has to read a lot of really REALLY dry court opinions.  It’s always nice when you find judges out there who recognize this, and make some effort to keep it interesting.  One of my favorites from law school has always been Mattel, [...]

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Tennessee Court Upholds the Right to Remain Anonymous

Defamatory material, like obscenity, is not protected by the First Amendment. But just like obscenity, a particular message cannot be considered defamatory until it has been adjudged to be so by a court of competent jurisdiction. A Tennessee court, recognizing this principle, allowed a blogger who is accused of publishing defamatory comments to [...]

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Remember: If you don’t have anything nice to say, you should just say it on teh Internets

Google was in court this week over allegedly defamatory comments made on an anonymous blog that the search giant hosts. Chris Thompson’s post describes the gory details, including references to two of our favorite cases: Hot Chicks With Douchebags and AutoAdmit.

Update: If you want to start an anonymous blog, here are some [...]

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